Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bethel Women's Conference

I just got back from a women's conference in Redding, California! I had an amazing time of getting filled with the presence of God and spending time with Jesus. I learned some wonderful things and some very important things. I learned to embrace my femininity and to value myself as a woman! How cool is that! Papa God told me I am worthy of His love and healing too! Crazy cool!

All the speakers were awesome and had great things to say, but the two that stood out for me were Kim Walker and Jenn Johnson. Their messages were straight from the heart and they were both real and raw, which I love! Kim spoke on of my favourite subjects cuz that is what I am about: loving people where they're at! Jenn spoke on offence and if you have an offence with someone that you should go to that person FIRST! Stop blabbing about it with a friend or confiding in someone else other than the person with whom you have the offence with! Powerful message!!

I also enjoyed this trip because I was able to get to know some of the ladies I otherwise would not have gotten to know due to most of them being older than I and atttending different churches.  All in all, my week at Bethel was refreshing!

Friday, July 22, 2011


So I have completely ignored this blog for over a year! Time flies by when you're not paying attention!
Anyway a couple of weeks ago I was at church and I went into the foyer and saw a monarch butterfly in the building! It was so cool to see up close. It was like God was sharing a part of His beauty with me! Butterflies are very significant for me as they hold deep meaning! Butterflies not only represent HOPE, but they also symbolize transformation and new growth. Plus I love butterflies...they are one of my favourite animals.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Martin & Carly's Wedding (Pics of Me)


Best Friends


My mouth hurts from smiling so much!!

Amy & Me

Tamara & Me

Becky & Me

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

After Thoughts...

After much thought I have decided that I don't want my blog to just be about weight and the struggle that brings with it. I have decided I am going to blog about the many adventures and various activities/things/happenings in my life, as well as my journey with God (He is afterall the one who makes life an adventure!!). So to start this lovely new side of my blog hmmm.....Abbotsford/The Coast:

I spent a lovely couple of weeks down on the Coast, but mainly in Abbotsford, BC.  I spent some time with my family and got to see my cousin's graduation ceremony, which was beautiful and she looked amazing (she always does).  I also spent many hours hanging out with friends that I have missed spending time with.  I had fun just sitting around talking and listening to everyones stories and the things happening in their lives. I played some DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and read some books.  I even made some new friends!

When I first arrived in Abbotsford most of my time was spent around wedding details and shower details.  I had a blast at Carly's bridal shower and at her wedding (Martin's too)! LOL!
Fun Times with Toilet Paper!


Carly's Bridal Shower (Group Photo)

All Smiles for the Wedding!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day...I have no idea what day it is!

Ok, so it's been awhile since I've written anything. Oops. Time has just slipped away from me. LOL! I figured it's time to confess...I have been testing how my body will react to wheat, flour, dairy, etc. In the process I have had some things I probably shouldn't have, like chocolate chip cookies my mom made for mother's day! I am also having trouble starting over again in phase one! It's almost as if once I eat something its hard to not eat it! ARGHH! My plan is to start all over again at phase one and take it one day at a time. I will be starting phase one on Sunday!

Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The end of week 3

So I have to admit I am enjoying being able to incorporate more foods into my diet, however I have been eating popcorn almost everyday! A little excessive! Oops, oh well. I'm sure that will wind down eventually. I haven't written anything lately cuz nothing exciting or new has happened. I'm still trying new recipes and enjoying it! I am also enjoying the variety of fruits I can have fruit salads are way more delicious! I also love the homemade Greek dressing I've been using on my salads. I don't really have anything else to say, but I will keep you posted!


Monday, April 19, 2010

The start of phase two - Day 15

Today was the start of phase two and I am a very happy camper! I get to incorporate more fruit and I can have corn, which means I can have POPCORN! (snack food of choice!!!) This morning I had a pineapple smoothie (my favourite fruit) and this evening I got to eat popcorn!! YUMMY! I also got to try out my semi-new popcorn machine. It was awesome to watch the kernels popping and it tasted delicious! I definitely didn't drink enough water today and it doesn't help when I can't breathe through my nose cuz my lips and throat get dry really fast! Oh and instead of my usual fast day (Tuesday) I will be fasting on another day this week so we shall see how that goes.

That's all for now,

Later Gator